Our team of Psychiatrists, Medical, Nursing and Allied Health professionals provide expert care to manage and treat mental health disorders.
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Our facility is designed to deliver care in the least restrictive manner. This allows patients to feel relaxed and comfortable, with patient safety our first priority.
Latest news

Mindfulness in May
Discover how mindfulness can help you and your mental health journey today.
All it takes is 10 minutes a day.

Mental Health Photography Competition 2020
Show us how YOU prioritise your mental health and go into the draw to WIN $500 cash prize in support of Mental Health Month!

National Diabetes Week 2020
This year, National Diabetes Week runs from 12 – 18 July and the focus will be on supporting the emotional and mental health of people living with diabetes.

Mental Health Telehealth and Telepsychiatry now available
We have partnered with health funds to provide over-the-phone and virtual telepsychiatry and mental health group therapy programs!